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NCAAO Awards

Each year, the North Carolina Association of Assessing Officers seeks to nominate the Assessor of the Year and the Appraiser of Year in order to recognize outstanding achievement in tax administration and public service.

By order of the President and Executive Committee, the Henry W Lewis award may be given to recognize advancement of the science and art of property tax assessment in North Carolina.

Each year, the Association seeks to recognize a county or counties, for achievement in areas of property tax assessment and/or collection, the implementation of a project, or endeavors to enhance the overall effectiveness of a county tax department. The recipient(s) will receive prestigious recognition and the Joseph E Hunt award at the annual Assessors conference. The Association reserves the right not to give this award annually but as it deems justified.

The Presidents Award is recognition for outstanding contributions to Assessment Administration and it may be awarded annually by the NCAAO President upon written approval by the NCAAO Past President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President, at their discretion, may choose not to recognize a recipient, however, the President may not issue more than one (1) award in any year. This recognition can be awarded to an individual, two individuals, a group, a company, an institution or organization that has made an outstanding contribution of any type to further the cause of the NCAAO and the assessing profession.