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NCTCA Committees


The Joint Legislative Committee reviews pending legislation as it relates to property tax matters and works with the North Carolina Tax Collector's Association.   This Committee is also charged with the responsibility of presenting proposed legislation from the Association to the General Assembly of North Carolina and/or the Property Tax Study Commission. Members are urged to attend meetings of the Property Tax Study Commission and other like commissions as deemed necessary.


The Certifications Committee works with the School of Government, North Carolina Department of Revenue and other entities in review and acceptance or denial of individuals applying for certifications and/or designations.


The Nominations Committee prepares and presents a slate of officers to the Association at the annual meeting for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The slate of officers are presented to the membership for a vote with additional nominations allowed from the floor.


The Resolutions Committee prepares resolutions on items referred to it by the Executive Board such as retired or retiring members, deceased members, honorary members, proposed legislation, instructors, institutions and anything worthy of the Association's consideration.



The Publications Committee is responsible for publishing and providing association material, as well as providing press releases regarding Board members and award recipients. This Committee prepares and sends award announcements for the North Carolina League of Municipalities, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, and the recipient's County/City/Town Manager. Award announcements include the following awards: Tax Collector of the Year, Outstanding Tax Employee of the Year, and the William A. Campbell Award. The Committee will also share the material and photos with the Technology Committee to use on the website.



The Education Committee is responsible for ensuring that educational sessions, workshops and courses are made available.  The Committee is responsible for all educational sessions during the annual conferences.



The Conference Committee plans appropriate and timely programs for the annual meeting, conferences and other meetings of the Association.  These programs deal with items of interest relevant to the education, performance and operation of tax offices throughout North Carolina, programs pertaining to proposed legislation or recently-enacted legislation, and new procedures in the operation of tax offices. This committee is also charged with the responsibility of obtaining speakers and/or entertainment for banquets and other events.


The Site Selection Committee is responsible for researching and making recommendations to the Executive Committee for locations to hold the annual Fall Conference.  The Committee Chair will work with hotel and/or additional location providers to prepare a contract for presentation to the President of the Association.


The Awards Committee shall review and screen candidates for the Tax Collector of the Year Award and an Outstanding Tax Employee of the Year Award, and any other award deemed appropriate for presentation by the Association.


The role of this committee is to consider requests for changes to the VTS system from all users, determine the impact on the system, formulate solutions and make recommendations to the appropriate party(ies); this committee will also discuss all issues and make recommendations related to the application of the appraisal and assessment process, business practices and functionality of the system; this committee supersedes both the Assessor's Association Tax and Tag Committee and the Collector's Association DMV Committee, as those committees were phased out with the implementation of the new vehicle tax system.



The primary responsibility of the technology committee is to manage the content and maintain the quality of the NCTCA website.  The committee may also be assigned tasks by the NCTCA Board of Directors to research and test technology options that may improve the efficiency of tax collection efforts Statewide.