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NCTCA Reporting Cont. Ed.

Attaining and Reporting Continuing Education

Annual continuing education for Tax Collectors, Deputy Tax Collectors and Assistants must be submitted for the reporting period of April (previous year) - March (current year). The CE report is due by June 1 of the current year.

  • Certified Tax Collectors must have accumulated a minimum of 10 hours of continuing education.
  • Certified Deputies and Assistants must have accumulated a minimum of 5 hours of continuing education.

A maximum of 10 hours of continuing education credit may be carried forward from one year to the next and be used to meet the requirements in the next succeeding year. 

Please list the number of continuing education credits that you obtained from April - March, and the events you attended to obtain them and submit on or before June 1. Those members who first obtained certification during the reporting period do not need to submit CE forms.

Continuing education credits may be obtained by attending the following events:

10 hours - Attendance at the NCTCA Spring Conference, NCAAO Fall Conference, or IAAO Conference.

1.25 hours - Attendance at district meetings of tax officials.

Actual hours - Completion of any qualifying required or elective courses provided under Part C of the Requirements for Certification document (above).

For those who wish to print and fill out their form, please click the link below. Others may fill out the form below. 

NCTCA CE Reporting Form - 2024


Please print your online submission once complete to save for your records. 

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